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Beef - Season 1, Episode 2 Recap

The start of Beef episode 2 finds Amy utterly "pissed" with Danny. She storms back inside and whispers an admonishment to him. She appears incredibly unstable and dangerous at that precise moment. Amy contacts Danny and threatens him before starting to clean up the mess. He doesn't take her seriously, as we can expect. As George enters the room, she yells at her phone while holding a gun to it.

See Also: Beef - Season 1, Episode 1 Recap

Paul and Danny grill steak at Danny's residence. Three 10x crypto trades are part of his success strategy, but Danny does not care.

George cleans the bathroom and asks if Amy upset Danny in any way. She is upset that he is not supporting her, as Amy posts more bad Yelp reviews for Danny’s service. To rile George up, she mentions how Danny said he didn’t like Japanese people.

As a result, they go together to his house where they meet the motel owner who took over from the Cho family. Danny says the repayment to Isaac will be late, but in retaliation, he asks for the title to Danny’s truck. This time, Isaac has brought laptop batteries from Busan to sell there but says their operation is legitimate.

Danny suggests that he and Paul launch a new contracting company because Amy's ratings have hurt his prior company. June became enraged when her parents were late to pick her up, and she assaulted a teacher. Naomi gets an invite over to Amy, and as we quickly discover, Naomi is Jordana's sister-in-law. She stands behind Amy, who had to cancel a meeting with Jordana because of June's problem.

Naomi offers her various pieces of advice and also plays Amy the famous road rage video. The Cho brothers seek assistance from Veronica, who turns out to be Danny's former lover, at her residence. She invites them to church but they are unable to obtain assistance.

Isaac informs Danny about George and Amy asking about him. Danny leaves a hilarious warning via voicemail for Amy. She isn’t sad one bit and makes a fake Instagram profile to woo Danny. Amy uses Mia’s photos and while doing so, strangely finds George has liked all her photos. She gets a response from Paul: a topless selfie of himself.

The brothers visit Esther's residence after Veronica recommended it. Danny isn't as sure as Paul that Amy's phony profile is authentic.

Jordana is mad and quits Fumi's show after George declines to sell her the chair that Fumi built and displayed. This, in Amy's opinion, will prevent her from working out a compromise with Jordana, escalating already existing animosity between the two. Naturally, they fight thereafter and express their annoyance loudly. George's admiration for Mia's images is also brought up by her.

Amy explains to George that she was using the gun for personal enjoyment when he brings it up. Amy complains about how exhausting it is to work nonstop and be unable to relax at the home she bought on her own.

Only tables and chairs, without any money, were all that George's father left him. Amy likes to be taken care of rather than always having to take care of others. Paul criticizes Danny for being so rigid and leading a life of restriction with arbitrary rules as he leaves the conversation.

Beef is now streaming on Netflix.