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Beef - Season 1, Episode 10 Recap

In episode 10 of Beef, Amy and Danny have injuries, wounds, and scrapes as they flee from their cars. Amy starts pursuing Danny while still carrying a gun.

See Also: Beef - Season 1, Episode 9 Recap

Danny hides as it is nighttime. Amy is pointing the gun at him and searching for him. She is close to a hill's crest. He races towards her as soon as she turns away from him in the distance.

Amy hears him, but it's too late by the time she turns around. Danny knocks her down the hill. She shouldn't have made him do it, he yells at her. When morning comes, they are both apart and lost. Amy woke up and hurt her ankle. She tries to call and message George, but it won’t go through. (He may have blocked her since he put an emergency separation and child custody from her the night before).

Danny does not get a reply when he texts his brother to see if he is alright (his brother left the house the night before, and Danny heard the police shoot at him but doesn’t know what happened yet). As they wander, yelling for help, they see each other standing on tall rocks across the way.

They bicker and argue, blaming each other for their predicaments. Amy says she won’t call the cops on him if Danny helps carry her out of the woods because of her bum ankle.

Both see the gun sitting on the ground when they fall after he eats the last food in front of her without sharing. Both dive for the gun, and Amy manages to pull it away by hurting Danny’s shoulder with an arm bar.

She has him get food for them while holding him at gunpoint. They become ill and experience hallucinations as he works to return with some fruit. When they consumed some deadly berries, Amy and Danny are experience hallucinations. For instance, the rifle she is holding is actually a broken tree branch.

The psychedelic fruit has Amy and Danny come to the conclusion that they fight in order to be noticed, but not for who they truly are. They start debating who was first: The monkey or the sponge? Who was the first to use the word "p**s" as a metaphor? It creeps down like a childhood trauma.

After lying down on top of some sticks, they talk to each other as the other person and understand what went wrong in their lives and how they ended up there. (In essence, this is a version of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy told entertainingly to help each side’s point of view).

George searches for Amy because he believes she is in danger and then shoots Danny with a gun. Before then, though, Amy and Danny start making an attempt to walk to a residence in search of assistance. They proceed down a slope and find a bypass tunnel.

They can make out the dazzling sun at the other end despite the darkness. Danny walks Amy. She helps him find a lawyer, but he rejects her offer. Amy's ankle is bothering her, so she needs to take a rest. Danny helps her lower herself as she knelt.

At that point, George is calling out to Amy on the opposite side of the tunnel. When Danny is holding Amy's arm, he runs up and screams at him to let go.

Beef is now streaming on Netflix.