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All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt (2023) - Movie Review

In "All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt," Raven Jackson's debut feature, the life of Mack (portrayed by Kaylee Nicole Johnson) unfolds through a series of poetic vignettes. The opening scene sets the tone, with Isaiah (Chris Chalk), Mack's father, gently guiding her in fishing, a skill she will hone and repeat throughout her life. This serene moment, with Mack tenderly interacting with the fish they've caught, foreshadows the blend of mundane and significant moments that will mark her journey from childhood to her elder years.

Director Jackson crafts this narrative as a non-linear memoir, gracefully weaving together episodes from Mack's life. The film showcases pivotal events like a family loss, the joy of a first kiss, childhood adventures, and the deep bond between Mack and her sister Josie (played by Jayah Henry). These snapshots are presented like fragments of memories, reminiscent of how one might recall their own past: in flashes of significant moments and sensory experiences.

Jackson's storytelling is rich in sensory details, evoking the tactile memories of youth. The film lingers on the small but significant elements – the flutter of ribbons, the textures of blankets and clothes, the softness of a cloth diaper. These visuals capture the essence of youth when the world is full of wonder and even the most ordinary moments feel significant.

The phrase "Slow. Take your time," repeated throughout the film, serves as a thematic mantra, reflecting the movie's pacing. The narrative flows smoothly, with memories seamlessly blending into one another, much like raindrops joining a stream. Water is a recurring motif, symbolizing the continuity of past, present, and future in Mack's life. This element is used effectively, linking different stages of Mack’s life, from childhood baths with her mother, Evelyn (Sheila Atim), to solitary moments of reflection in adulthood.

The film's visual aesthetic, captured in 35mm by cinematographer Jomo Fray, imbues the narrative with a dreamlike quality. Each frame is crafted with the precision of a painting, turning everyday experiences into poignant, emotionally charged images. Whether it's a moment of grief, a flirtatious glance, or the quiet holding of hands, each scene is rendered with a depth of emotion and beauty.

Jackson's approach to storytelling in "All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt" emphasizes the emotional and sensorial aspects of memory over a strictly linear narrative. The film explores the nuances of familial relationships, the sting of loss, and the comfort of familiar surroundings, all while underscoring the beauty found in everyday life. It's a reminder to savor each moment, to observe the world around us with care and attention, and to cherish the memories that shape our existence.