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War Game (2024) - Movie Review

In the eye-opening documentary "War Game," Directors Jesse Moss and Tony Gerber immerse viewers into a haunting scenario: a domestic insurrection catalyzed by disputed election results, akin to the unsettling events of January 6, 2021. This profound exploration, featured in the film's U.S. debut at NYC's Film Forum, serves as a stark reminder of the potential recurrence of such occurrences, especially in the context of volatile political landscapes.

Jesse Moss, recognized for co-directing successful films like "Boys State" and "Girls State," and Tony Gerber, an accomplice in creating "Full Battle Rattle," excellent in portraying U.S. Army's wargames in Mojave Desert, revisit similar concepts in "War Game". It brings to screen a highly charged war game set after contentious presidential elections, launched by the veterans' rights organization Vet Voice. Their simulation underlines a frightening possibility of military cooperation with the rebel forces, with repercussions potentially graver than the January 6 uproar. Remarkably, the exercise gets aptly termed as "Coup Prevention 101" by participant and former senator, Heidi Heitkamp.

The film employs an impressive array of present and past political and military personas who lend authenticity to the exercise. Steve Bullock, former Montana governor and Doug Jones, ex-Alabama senator, are among the many leading figures headlining the cast. Other noticeable presences include retired Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman and neoconservative commentator Bill Kristol, who lend their analytical acumen as "Game Consultants."

War Game (2024) - Movie Review

The integral plot follows the fictitious group 'Order of Columbus', purportedly based on the real-life Oath Keepers, who capitalize on a disputed election result and call for an insurrection, supported by disgruntled military factions. These chilling events are enacted in a meticulously recreated Situation Room, where officials deliberate ways to neutralize the threat. The narrative then veers towards the invocation of the Insurrection Act, divided opinions around it, and the potential for misuse if fallen into the wrong hands.

Despite the staged nature of the "War Game," the film manages to deliver a compelling implication of a conceivable future if such events were to transpire. The viewer is left contemplating with unsettling statistics revealing that nearly one in five defendants in the real-life January 6 incident were military veterans.