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1899 - Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

1899's seventh episode opens with Daniel and Maura making out. Maura then wishes that they could continue talking about memories and how the mind interprets the world around us indefinitely.

Daniel quickly gets dressed and rushes outdoors where he discovers garments on the ground. That familiar scene of the mental hospital in the distance as alarm bells ring in the background and Maura fades from this recollection. We cut to Maura in the hospital as the voice says, "Wake up."

Since the shutdown has begun they won't have much longer until everyone starts dying again. Daniel begs Maura to let him out of the sealed chamber.

This is bad news, particularly since none of the passengers can actually direct the ship, in a storm. Mrs. Wilson stays back as the others go in search of the captain because she touched the strange black substance and her entire hand became black.

Maura walks by and encourages her, encouraging her to pretend that this is all in her memory, while she sits down to regain her strength. Obviously, memory! Maura experiences an epiphany and thinks the Captain is returning to his own recollection. Everyone onboard is looking for Eyk Larsen, but no one appears to know where he is at the moment. Though we do. He is traveling on the Prometheus.

Daniel, in the meantime, prys open a wall grate and discovers a compartment behind it that can be crawled into. That naturally provides him with a way out. Okay, sort of. He makes his way through and, one by one, enters a number of distinct universes. Despite the fact that they are all very different and appear to have been created for each passenger, each appears to be having problems because of the storm.