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1899 - Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

As the fourth episode of 1899 begins, Jerome comes into focus. Jerome believes that war is nasty and harsh, and he is unwilling to compromise his honor. It's interesting that he's there with Lucien, who unquestionably doesn't feel bad about himself. He wants to flee the area by pretending to be a soldier

Though Maura's familiar cry to "wake up" swiftly awakens Jerome, Franz is forced to remove Jerome from the brig and move him closer to the mob. Eyk is still inside, but his calls for help and reason are ignored. The dead bodies are piling up on the deck, and Olek and Jerome are both forced to throw them overboard.

The ship is back in the position it was in three days ago before they changed course, with the bow now facing west rather than east. Franz decides to move forward despite the strangeness because they are headed in the direction of the west.

The officers held at gunpoint by the Third Class passengers leak information about the mysterious young boy brought on board. They also make known the company that wanted the ship sunk. The mob then turns its focus to this child in an effort to understand why so many people are dying.

Since this arranged marriage is all about business and not genuine feelings for each other, Lucien tells Clemence that he will soon pass away but chose not to notify her. While Maura is almost as astonished to discover herself being searched when the crowd arrives at her cabin door in a desperate attempt to find the boy, Clemence is more than a little taken aback. When they open it, they discover an empty room. In order to find the child, the mob then turns its focus to the rest of the ship.