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1899 - Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

Episode 3 of 1899 switches its attention to Ling-Yi. She is experiencing a terrifying dream, although this time it involves her sliding into a box and plunging to the bottom of the sea.

Mrs. Wilson is present at breakfast and continues to weave a web of lies. She tells the woman that every tragedy has an opportunity and invites her to meet in her cabin later. Wilson examines Ling-Yi and discovers she is a virgin. Due to this, Wilson sees even more financial gain and instructs Ling-Yi to be ready by 8 o'clock.

Instead, she runs away from her mother, who admits she wants a better life for Ling-Yi but harshly calls herself a whore, revealing that this line of work is a layer of dirt that never truly rubs off.

The deceased girl, who also happens to be Kove's sister, was briefly examined before the ship began to jolt and tremble. It is sluggish now. Since visibility is so poor due to the dense fog that has descended upon them all, Eyk Larsen gives the order to hold the position. One of the officers, Franz, thinks this is a mistake and says they ought to cut the Prometheus off, sink it, and move on.

We learn a little more about the ribbon Larsen discovered in the interim. It turned out to be his daughter's. In addition, he displays a strange compartment beneath his bed, a hatch that just so happens to bear the ubiquitous triangle symbol once more. In order to locate the logbook and try to piece together clues about what is happening, Larsen makes the decision to return to Prometheus with Maura.