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What Type of Bike Should I Buy?

Whether you are going to your local farmers market, biking through Alaska, or on rocky roads, you should know the type of bike you need!

The crew at AtHomeDaily has got you covered. Keep reading to find the right bike for your riding preferences.

Fixed Gear Bikes 

These make for great winter bikes or urban bikes, as long as you do not have to journey through steep hills. There are no shifters on these bikes, so the speed you choose remains as consistent as you want it to throughout the ride due to the fact that you control your speed. This can be a difficult bike to ride as the lack of gears makes you work harder, especially going up semi-steep small hills. The bike only has one break, in the front. The pedals do not stop spinning if you stop pedaling. So, if you decide to coast, the pedals will keep turning. 

Mountain Bikes

Mountain bikes are meant exactly for what they are named after - riding through mountains, including gravel, dirt, rock, and sand. The bikes have wide tires that provide a substantial amount of grip and traction on rocky terrains. Mountain bikes are harder to pedal on than regular bikes and go slow on the pavement. The breaks on these bikes are powerful and have extra-wide handlebars to improve balance and comfort. The low gear-ratios are great for climbing steep lands. The bike saddle is made out of hard material, which makes the seat comfortable when at the right height.  

What Type of Bike Should I Buy?

Gravel Bikes

Different from Mountain bikes, gravel bikes have a long wheelbase, which provides stability on loose surfaces through long distances. Bikers traveling cross-country tend to use these bikes. Their structure makes them durable for many types of surfaces. The handle specifically, allows riders to change their hand position when riding. Riders are typically in a bent-over position, which helps reduce weight on the bike and increase speed. 

City Bikes

City bikes are great if you live in a flat-surfaced area. They are simple and visually appealing, which is great for suburban communities, college campuses, and rides to the local grocery store. Their design is for short and medium-paced rides. The bike has fenders to prevent the tires and yourself from getting excessively wet or dirty from rain or other dirt elements. They sometimes have a luggage rack, which is great for keeping a bag on. These bikes are low-maintenance and provide comfortable riding in an upright position.

We hope this helped you find the right bike. Enjoy your ride!