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Hosting? 5 Ways To Get Your Rooms Ready for Guests

Planning to host guests this holiday season? Whether you’re hosting family, friends, or both, you want your home to be in perfect shape so that your guests can enjoy everything it has to offer. 

Here are 5 simple ways to get your house and rooms ready for guests so that you can focus on what really matters – having fun!

1. Prepare fresh sheets and towels.

If you’re hoping for a nice, relaxing visit from family or friends, there are a few things you can do in advance that will make your guest feel more at home. First of all, clean out your linen closet. 

You’ll want fresh sheets on all beds and pillowcases that don’t look like they need ironing. Make sure you have plenty of extra towels available, too.

2. Get cozy with lots of throw pillows and blankets.

Make your guests feel like they are at a home away from home by making their bedrooms feel extra inviting. Lots of layers on the bed allows guests to customize how they prefer to sleep–whether that’s with lots of soft blankets and pillows, or just the bare minimum.

Provide a coverlet or quilt as well as a duvet cover, and add a throw blanket or two on top.

3. Add lovely scents.

Hosting? 5 Ways To Get Your Rooms Ready for Guests

Smells are an important part of relaxation. I love adding a touch of style and personality with candles, room sprays, and reed diffusers. 

Get your guest rooms or your house feeling extra festive, or extra inviting by placing scents when they arrive.

4. Provide refreshments.

If you’re hosting a party or dinner at your home, refresh your guests by providing fresh water, snacks, and toiletries. 

Before they arrive, grab an array of bottles of water (put them in a bowl on an entry table), some light snacks like crackers or chips (place them in a decorative bowl), and something to freshen up with like hand soap or lotion. This simple touch will tell your guests that you care about their comfort.

5. Allow them to make themselves at home.

Make it easy on your guests by providing them with ample storage space. Consider adding a closet or dresser in your guest room, so that they have a place to put their things. 

If you don’t have room in your bedroom, invest in extra storage space elsewhere, such as a small cabinet or bench in your entryway. This will allow them to get settled without having to traipse around with their luggage.