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6 Tips for Learning a New Language

Learning a new language is fun and exciting but can also be quite difficult. Keeping up with it is even harder. 

The crew at AtHomeDaily has compiled 6 tips to help the learning process. Take a look! 

Make Language Learning a Part of your Daily Routine

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Check your phone. Try changing the language on your phone to the language you are practicing. You will still be able to text in your first language (but if you can try the language you are learning), but push notifications and app names will change. It is like a match game. Match the picture or notification with its purpose and you learn new words every time you open your phone. 

Talk on the phone with someone who speaks the language you are learning. That can be a relative or close friend, just someone you feel comfortable practicing within a short conversation. 

When driving, pay attention to the road of course, but try translating signs and billboards. If you have a song stuck in your head, translate that one verse. It might not flow the same in a different language, but it is a fun way to practice. 

Immerse Yourself in the Language

Immerse yourself in the language and the culture that it comes from. You can do this through reading books, watching music, or listening to music in the language. Eventually, you will catch on to some of their slang or get a better grasp of the pronunciations of some words.  Studying the origin of the language also helps. In order to be a part of the conversations, you have to know the conversation and be able to contribute to it. It might you understand some of the books, movies, and music you are indulging in. 

Set Goals

Create a study schedule that works best for you. Set a weekly schedule and goal sheet. One recommendation is to make a vocabulary list for each week and try to incorporate the new words into a conversation at some point in the day. You can also choose to learn 1 new word a day and go over it in your head. Most importantly, break studying into lessons and don’t try to tackle everything all at once. One suggestion is to separate into the categories of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, culture, and literature. Dedicate at least one hour a day to each category. 

Commit, Commit, Commit

What is your purpose for learning this new language? Whether you are traveling abroad, communicating with family and friends, or just want to spice up your skillset, knowing your purpose is important. Make your purpose the backbone of what drives you to keep up with learning the language. If you fall behind, so will your muscle memory and it will take a while to catch back up. 

Start conversations with people and commit to them. Sometimes it can be scary but try not to overthink them and just go for it. Don’t be embarrassed by any slipups because that is how you will learn. Associate those conversations with a new word or something you learned that will help you better your skills. There are many online programs where you can schedule a video conversation with a native speaker for a small fee. 

Use Resources 

Video tutorials are your best friend especially when it comes to learning grammar. Grammar can be the most difficult part of learning a new language and often require the most visual aid. Watching videos that utilize visuals will help much more than just hearing someone talk about the grammar. Sometimes, making your own visuals and cheat sheets is helpful. Writing down and remembering when/where you wrote it will help you connect the lesson to something.

One-on-one personal tutoring is also very helpful. Having a tutor who knows your skill set, what level you are on, and what needs more work is of great benefit. 

Lastly, and Most Importantly...

Learn the alphabet. 

Letters in another language typically have a different pronunciation so in order to say the words, you have to put the phonetics of it together. 

We hope these tips helped! Good luck with your language journey.