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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling During the Holidays

Today’s tips will help you avoid common mistakes and reduce the stress of traveling during the holidays, so you can enjoy your time with family and friends instead of worrying about how to get there or how to get back home!

1) Know your itinerary

Your family may love spontaneity, but you don’t want it to compromise your holiday travels. Be sure to have an itinerary planned well in advance, especially if you’re traveling across town or across country. Whether you are driving or flying, knowing exactly where you’re going at every step of your journey will help ease potential stress and prevent mishaps.

2) Choose the right luggage

First and foremost, you want a carry-on bag that you can fit under your seat. Most planes have overhead bins that aren’t always large enough for carry-ons, so it’s best to travel with one that will fit easily in the bin if need be. If you're traveling overseas (especially in Europe), keep an eye out for luggage restrictions; most airlines have a set size limit of 23x15x9 inches (56x38x23 centimeters) for checked bags. There are certain types of luggage that simply don't work well on planes-we're looking at you, rolling suitcases! They often stick out and never seem to want to move when everyone else is trying to get off first at baggage claim.

3) Pack smartly

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling During the Holidays

It’s easy to fall into a last-minute cramming mode, shoving items of clothing in any available nook and cranny. The trouble is, packing while in a rush means that you won’t be looking at your suitcase as a whole-and will miss important items. Instead, pack smartly: Lay out your outfits for each day on your bed or floor before packing, and make sure you have enough clean socks and underwear for each day.

4) Get enough sleep

The holidays are an exciting time, but they’re also a hectic time. If you want to be at your best when visiting friends and family or on vacation, make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night. Studies show that people who get less than seven hours of sleep per night are not only crankier, but their bodies are releasing more stress hormones and eating more calories as a result.

5) Take care of yourself

Flying can be stressful and hard on your body, especially if you don’t travel frequently. Taking care of yourself before and during your trip will help make things easier. Pack a carry-on that contains plenty of healthy snacks and medications, such as pain relievers or any prescriptions you might need. You should also book a hotel room that has a kitchenette, so you can prepare some meals for yourself. This will keep you from eating out all day, every day-and spend less money in the process!